Thursday, May 13, 2010


My little sister turned 15 yesterday... 15! oh my ... where has time gone?! She's now running 800 meter sprints, 6 mile uphill mountains and getting ready to take AP courses... WOW!

All she wanted for her birthday was to go to Yogurtland. Fine with me because it's yummy! Everytime I go I always bust a different yogurt with the same toppings ... Kit Kat, Butterfinger, blackberries and strawberries ... drizzled with caramel .. of course ... haha. So, to my surprise guess what flavor they had (drum roll, please) ... CAFE CON LECHE! woot woot :)

I thought I was in heaven ... then... I tasted it and ... eh... nothing special... not my favorite flavor ... I'll stick with Ghirardelli chocolate whenever they have it up ... yes, I'm a chocolate and coffee feen! :)