Friday, June 22, 2012


Who knew that coffee would be a flea and ant repellent??? According to Chris Barnes from Stylist Home - it is! I'm most definitely going to try it on my dog this weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

RECALLED Tassimo Coffee Maker

Happy Thursday, Cafeinistas!

Just wanted to throw this out there in case you received it for Christmas! Tassimo single cup coffee brewer has been recalled because it's spraying hot liquid (OUCH!).

Full story:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FREE Ice Cream from Ben & Jerry's!!!

In Southern Cali, the weather is ..... funky? weird? deceiving? hahaha how about all of the above! two weeks ago it rained all week, then it was ridiculously HOT, then we had "blah" kind of weather... now we're climbing back up to the 80s... What better to say "hello sunshine!" than with FREE Ice Cream from Ben & Jerry's today, April 12th from 12-8 p.m. ...

As soon as I get out of work, I'm running over to the nearest ice cream parlor and ordering Coffee Heath Bar Crunch along with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough... gahhhh! I can almost taste it!!! hahaha

You know I'll be there, hope you are too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Beautiful Noise" Album Release - ACE

So, this weekend was a trip ... ACE dropped his album on Saturday, March 5th and had his album release party at The Burgundy House in Hollywood. He killed it!

Jaime, the hype man, jumped up on stage at midnight and got the crowd going again by having everyone chant "A - C - E" ... "A - C - E" ... "A - C - E." ACE did a few seconds of each song from his album and got the crowd going WILD!

I'm such a huge fan, I fell in love with "Beautiful Noise" ... it pumps me up in the morning while I'm drinking my Presto cafe on my way to work. The song seriously stays in my head ... every now and then I find myself singing "hip hop for your soul/ spread your wings/ now you're free/thought we couldn't fly at first/now they thinkin probably.." gahhh im in love! get a glimpse of his music here -> and if you like it ... now it's available on iTunes! qué?! sí!
AND if you want to see him live... he'll be at The Key Club this Saturday, March 12th performing hits from his album. Of course, I'll be there scouting a few more coffee drinks since there's never a dull moment for coffee ;)

Of course, this wouldn't be my blog if I didn't have some coffee in here - while at the club, guess what I tried... some tequila cafe (again) with blackberries! gahhhhh it was definitely a party in my mouth (again!) ahahaha  

anyone can purchase $10 presale tickets for this weekend by emailing ACE at
Follow him on all sorts of social media:
Twitter: @AceOnThis

dont be shy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

EMA Awards

A few weeks ago, I volunteered at an event called the Environmental Media Awards (EMA) with a few co-workers. The event was to raise awareness of the environment and what people are doing to help stop their carbon footprint.

The after party was outside at 10 p.m. at night! Not feeling too cute wearing a dress, when it's sprinkling and the winds start to pick up. Grrr.... BUT the good news is that there was a cart off somewhere in the corner (hogging the heat lamp) with coffee!!! Friend and I decided to check it out cuz we needed something to warm us up - fast! "Pasquini Espresso Co." definitely hit the spot. It wasn't strong enough to keep you awake and jolted - it was smooth enough to feel it warm up my body and make me want MORE!!!

we hit up ALL the stands and came across the Patron stand. hmm... interesting.. and guess what I came across?? Tequila Patron Cafe! qué?! sí! hahaha Patron XO Coffee Liqueur... it was actually pretty simple... Cup, Ice, Patron XO - awesome!!! It was like having a spiked coffee ... felt a nice buzz after a while, which made the cold go away. ha!

All in all, fun night!

p.s. I promise not to leave for months again!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My little sister turned 15 yesterday... 15! oh my ... where has time gone?! She's now running 800 meter sprints, 6 mile uphill mountains and getting ready to take AP courses... WOW!

All she wanted for her birthday was to go to Yogurtland. Fine with me because it's yummy! Everytime I go I always bust a different yogurt with the same toppings ... Kit Kat, Butterfinger, blackberries and strawberries ... drizzled with caramel .. of course ... haha. So, to my surprise guess what flavor they had (drum roll, please) ... CAFE CON LECHE! woot woot :)

I thought I was in heaven ... then... I tasted it and ... eh... nothing special... not my favorite flavor ... I'll stick with Ghirardelli chocolate whenever they have it up ... yes, I'm a chocolate and coffee feen! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just Like Home... Tribute to Presto Instant Cafe!


This blog is long overdue and I'm sorry for the absence! I was busy all over the place during the month of April, but no worries! I experienced new coffee brands and ways to make them taste great! mmm :)

For my boyfriend's spring break we decided to take a road trip up to San Francisco and explore the city. We drove through Ventura, Santa Barbara, Los Padres National Forest, the Danish town in Solvang, La Purisima Mission in Lompoc, through San Jose and finally landed in SAN FRAN!

I'm not going to lie, right away I wanted to go home. It was rush hour traffic and the streets were packed. It took an hour for what should've been a 10 minute drive. what in the world?! We arrived at the Whitcomb Hotel right on Market Street, dropped our bags and explored our surroundings. I was amazed at San Fran's transportation system with the electric buses, cable cars and the hybrid taxis everywhere. It's a very creative city that likes to show off its art - why not? it's amazing!

We exhausted ourselves with the major tourist attractions, from Alcatraz, The United Nations building, The Aquarium of the Bay, Pier 39, Lombard Street ("The Crookedest Street" in the world), the Golden Gate Bridge and my Tia's place. We got through these in one day, so you know we were pretty tired, so what better way to end the day than with coffee... oh.. my.. gosh... yes... it was that good! It wasn't just any coffee, it was PRESTO!! 100% pure coffee from Nicaragua!

I had my two cups of instant coffee that morning with gallo pinto (Nicaraguan mixture of rice and beans) along with eggs, cheese and fried ham. It felt like home again! The coffee was soft and mild, topped with warm milk... just the way I like it :)

Seriously, by far this is one of the best coffee's I've had in a while. Back in LA, I had to find this coffee. It has a nostalgic, calming effect that makes me feel relaxed... wow! I feel that if you make the right cup of coffee, you'll definitely achieve this feeling. This coffee isn't in your local grocery store, I had to drive around looking for a Latin Mini-Mart or Nicaraguan Box shipping place, only to find the wonderful slogan of "El Secreto es el Humito...!"